Omar Nizar is an aspiring filmmaker who decides to explore the history of his native city of Jeddah through the making of a film about it. Through his journey of struggle and discovery, Nizar is accompanied by a 70 year-old cinematographer who left behind his filmmaking career years ago to end up in an antique store.
Khaled Yslam
Shaher Alqurashi
Sarah Taibah Crew
Screenwriter: Yaser Hammad
Abdulelah Alqurashi
DOP: Fadi Abu Ali
Editor: Mohamed Bakr
Production Company(ies):
Cinepoetics Pictures
Abdulrahman Khouj
Al Ain Film Festival, UAE
Red Sea International Film Festival, Saudi Arabia
Aarhus Arab Film Festival, Denmark
The Arab Film Festival in Tübingen, Germany
Best Film at the Al Ain Film Festival, UAE