

Daniela Stephan

Daniela Stephan

Daniela Stephan is a Lebanese writer-director and photographer based in London. After earning a Master’s degree in Directing from the London Film School, she explored diverse positions across different areas of filmmaking before settling into writing and directing.
Daniela's storytelling endeavors revolve around exploring themes such as identity, belonging, and the socio-political and environmental challenges encountered in her hometown, Beirut. Her unique artistic vision combines elements of cinema with her cultural background, resulting in breathtaking imagery and captivating narratives.
Showcasing her visual storytelling and directorial vision, she worked on short films that have been recognized at numerous film festivals worldwide. This was obvious in her short film MUMMY BLUE, for which she received the 2022 Best Female Director Award at the Tokyo International Short Film Festival, as well as the Jury and Audience awards at the Beirut Women Film Festival, to name a few.
Guided by her unique vision and unparalleled creativity, she continues to explore and question the world around her through drama and a pinch of absurdity.