A young filmmaker who shares a Beirut apartment with his mother, sister and pet dog sets about reconstructing his identity by renovating his bedroom. But as the male construction workers come and go in the freshly embattled household, new questions, old arguments and unexpected passions get stirred.
Nicole Karam
Tony-Camille El Chidiac
Bilal Mohammad
Ibrahim Mohammad
Screenwriter: Anthony Chidiac
DOP: Anthony Chidiac
Editor: Anthony Chidiac
Original Title: Ghorfat Ragoul
Production Company(ies):
c.cam production
Linked Productions
Talal Al-Muhanna Carole Abboud
International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, Netherlands
Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, Greece
Sheffield DocFest, UK
Cairo Cinema Days, Egypt
Festival International du Film Arabe de Gabès, Tunisia
Arab Film Festival Berlin, Germany
Malmö Arab Film Festival, Sweden
Montreal International Documentary Festival, Canada
Documenta Madrid, Spain
MAD Solutions Award at the Malmö Arab Film Festival
Grand Prize at the Montreal International Documentary Festival