Documentary, Musical
Iraq Lebanon
Hulm Band is made up of six musicians who are sparing no efforts to fulfill their dream of playing Sufi music in their hometown, Sadr city, Iraq. They only face one dilemma, which lies in the fact that they can get murdered for playing music in a city where music is forbidden. In 67 minutes, the film follows the band members as they open up to the film’s director, Albaqer Jafeer, on their dreams, aspirations, and the reality in which they find themselves.
Screenwriter: Albaqer Jafeer DOP: Albaqer Jafeer Editor: Deena Charara
Albaqer Jafeer
Arab Film Festival Tübingen, Germany Karama Human Rights Film Festival, Jordan Oran International Arabic Film Festival, Algeria Festival des Cinémas Arabes in Paris, France Cine4all Fest, Egypt Karama Beirut Human Rights Film Festival, Lebanon Sharm El-Sheikh Asian Film Festival (SAFF), Egypt
Special Mention at the Oran International Arabic Film Festival, Algeria Special Jury Prize for Best First Time Director at the Cine4all Fest, Egypt Arab World Institute's Best Feature Documentary Film Award at the Festival des Cinémas Arabes in Paris, France Karama Feather for Best Documentary Film at the Karama Human Rights Film Festival, Jordan