The film follows Nahla, a 25-year old woman who finds herself torn between choosing to stay in her country and fight for freedom or accept the offer of an arranged marriage from a Syrian expatriate in the USA. Everything changes when she creates for herself a fantasy relationship with an ideal man.
Manal Issa
Ula Tabari
Souraya Baghdadi Crew
Screenwriter: Zoé Galeron
Gaya Jiji
Eiji Yamazaki
DOP: Antoine Héberlé
Editor: Jeanne Oberson
Original Title: Mon Tissu Prefere
Production Company(ies):
Gloria Films Production
Laurent Lavolé
Cannes Film Festival, France
Cairo International Film Festival, Egypt
Arab Film Festival Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Athens International Film Festival, Greece
Twin Cities Arab Film Festival, USA
Film Fest Gent, Belgium
Arab Film Festival San Francisco & Los Angeles, USA
São Paulo International Film Festival, Brazil
Mostra de Valencia Film Festival, Spain
Göteborg Film Festival, Sweden