Short, Drama
In the evocative setting of the 1980s, AFTER THE SUN follows a young girl who embarks on her inaugural summer journey without her newlywed sister. Amidst the backdrop of a nostalgic family road trip from France to Algeria, she endeavors to reignite the bonds with her heritage, delving into a homeland rich with cherished memories waiting to be rediscovered.
Screenwriters: Rayane Mcirdi
Cinematography: Simi Benanino
Sound: Charlotte Bourlier and Samuel Fulchiron
Editor: Mila Olivier
Malfamé Cinéma
Walid Bekhti, Sherianne Leïla Bekhti, and Yannis Zaccharie Bekhti
Cannes Film Festival 77th edition, France (Quinzaine des Cinéastes).